MG Care

Warranty Period

The quality assurance period is 5 years or Unlimited mileage and it shall be calculated from the date of delivery of the new vehicle to the first owner. To gate this facility customer should follow MG Indonesia maintenance period that available at owner’s manual booklet.

Free Service (Labor)

Every vehicle sold will be equipped by 6 coupons that contain of free labor for 6 times maintenance period until 50,000Km or 4 years which one comes first. Those periods will be at 1,000Km, 10,000Km, 20,000Km, 30,000Km, 40,000Km, 50,000Km.

Part Distribution Center

Located at Riau Street Pekanbaru, equipped with high end technology distribution facility to ensure customer part need can be delivered on time.


MG HS Periodic Maintenance

MG 5 GT Periodic Maintenance

MG ZS Periodic Maintenance

MG berhak merubah rincian, ketentuan pembelian, dan peralatan standar tanpa perlu menginformasikan terlebih dahulu sebelumnya. Silahkan periksa informasi tambahan dengan Mendatangi Dealer MG.